#Sustainable FoodUOC

From 21 to 26 November, the UOC is organizing the Right to Food Week 2016. It will be six days of activities focused on how to be sustainable, so that we can continue to feed ourselves without depleting resources or destroying the environment.

2016 Right to Food Week

Among the United Nations’ 17 goals for transforming the world, the second is to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

What we eat and how we produce it has a major impact on the environment and our surroundings. What can we do to improve the food sustainability of the planet?

What can we do to make the planet more sustainable and guarantee food for everyone without depleting natural resources or destroying biodiversity?

From 21 to 26 November, the UOC is joining the United Nations Zero Hunger global initiative by organizing six days of activities focused on promoting more sustainable food systems that guarantee people around the world access to a varied and healthy diet.

The 2016 Right to Food Week is dedicated to sustainable food and to promoting a return to consuming food with a high nutritional value that is safe, healthy, cheap, of great quality and sustainably produced.

Organizers: the UOC’s Faculty of Health Sciences, the UNESCO Chair in Food, Culture and Development and the UOC’s University Development Cooperation.

Partners: Nutrition Without Borders, Nutrapp, Biblioteca Francesca Bonnemaison, Museu Blau (Blau Museum), Serunion

Programme of activities

#MeatlessDay UOC

Join Meatless Day
24th November Take a pic of your meatless meal and post it on Instagram or Twitter to a sustainable world. #MeatLessDayUOC

Ideas for greater food sustainability



Sign up to responsible shopping. Transporting food to markets pollutes the environment and consumes lots of energy. Opt for locally-sourced and seasonal products, as they entail a lower fuel consumption.



Consume more fresh and non-meat produce, such as fruit, vegetables, pulses, nuts and cereals. They are cheaper, healthier and more sustainable than meat and its by-products. The excessive production of meat results in high greenhouse gas emissions, increased water consumption and greater use of land.#MeatLessDayUOC



Learn how to cook and reduce your consumption of processed products. Traditional recipes are fostering a return to the consumption of foods with a high nutritional value, such as pulses, which are the sustainable solution for fighting malnutrition in the world. Come to the family workshop “Cooking with pulses, for health and sustainability”.



Plan your purchases and your menus properly. Only buy the food you have to consume to avoid throwing food away. Choose products with little packaging and recycle the containers. Download the healthy and sustainable weekly menu designed by the Faculty of Health Sciences.



Find out about the origin of what you eat. Read the labels on food and discover what systems of agricultural production, rearing and fishing were used. Sustainable production improves the life of agricultural communities, increases biodiversity and contributes towards a healthy diet.


Healthy and sustainable menu

Reducing the consumption of meat and prioritizing foods of vegetable origin and locally-sourced and seasonal produce helps make the planet more sustainable. The UOC has designed a healthy and sustainable menu.


Joining the Zero Hunger Challenge

The UOC is joining the United Nations global Zero Hunger Challenge by organizing six days of activities focused on promoting more sustainable food systems that guarantee people around the world access to a varied and healthy diet.

You too can support the campaign and sign the declaration!!

Food sustainability Dossier

Are you curious to find out more about the right to food and food sustainability? The UOC Library’s Learning Services has prepared a dossier so that you can read about these issues.



